
Strong Ciphers for Apache, nginx and Lighttpd

4 July 2014

Strong Ciphers for Apache, nginx and Lighttpd Why? The above ciphers are Copy Pastable in your nginx, Lighttpd or Apache config. These provide Strong SSL Security for all modern browsers, plus you get an A+ on the SSL Labs Test. In short, they set a strong Forward Secrecy enabled ciphersuite, they disable SSLv2 and SSLv3, add […]

Nginx, PHP-FPM, APC & MariaDB CentOS Install Script

29 August 2013

Pinch Intelligent Stack Scripts for CentOS Linux Pinch installs, secures and configures your very own Nginx, PHP-FPM, APC and MariaDB web-server in a matter of minutes. It’s so easy to install and streamlines your production environment. Installation Pinch is a pinch to install, simply execute the following commands to get started: yum install -y git; […]

Nginx Block and Redirect IP Access to WordPress wp-admin

29 August 2013

This article will show you how to block all IP addresses to a specific folder (wp-admin) and only allow access to your IP address. Additionally, the blocked IP’s will be redirected to a location that you choose. This is a fantastic way to lock down your WordPress installation with minimal effort and maximum results. How […]