Tag: Script

Dovecot + roundcube: UID COPY: Mailbox doesn’t exist: Trash

16 September 2015

Dovecot + roundcube: UID COPY: Mailbox doesn’t exist: Trash This issue can be fix by create a new imap folder: “Trash” then you will be able to delete mail from RoundCube. As far as I know, VestaCP has this issued because they still using Dovecot 2.0.9 and it’s get fix after version 2.1.0 So to work […]

Limit bandwidth UDP

10 September 2013

Limit bandwidth UDP This script limit the bandwidth for udp traffic – It can help to prevent hosting environment to ddos other by udp. Denial of service attacks are major nuisance for web hosts, and as a web host you’ll have to take every measure to protect your resources from DoS attacks. Our APF, BFD, DDoS […]